IAEMO - Agencies Working Together
IAEMO – Agencies Working Together
The Inter Agency Emergency Management Office is unique to the Major Emergency Management (MEM) Region South (Cork and Kerry).The office was founded to assist the Principal Response Agencies (PRAs) in Cork and Kerry (MEM Region South) to deliver their obligations under the Chemicals Act in relation to Upper Tier establishments.
Since the office was established its role have expanded into assisting with major emergency management training, reviewing of documentation and assisting the Regional Major Emergency Groups and sub groups to deliver their work programs. The office is funded and supported by the Principal Response Agencies in MEM Region South, these are:
- An Garda Síochána
- Health Service Executive
- Cork City Council
- Cork County Council
- Kerry County Council
Duties of the Inter-Agency Emergency Management Office:
- Co-ordinate the preparation of mandatory External Emergency Plans (EEPs) for Upper Tier COMAH sites. This includes gathering pre planning information, updating or developing a plan, public consultation, exercising the plan.
- Prepare and submit statutory reports under the COMAH legislation on behalf of the participating agencies.
- To provide support to the participating agencies to delivery their interagency work programs
- Assist the Chairs all sub groups and report to the Regional Working Group, (RWG) and Regional Steering Group (RSG) on activities.
- Undertake work on behalf of the RWG and RSG to assist with Regional Interagency Major Emergency Management preparedness.
- Co-ordinate and develop liaison between the participating agencies and the Voluntary Emergency Services.
A Framework for Major Emergency Management
The Government Task Force (GTF) overseas the emergency management policies and activities of all Government Departments and Agencies. It provides political leadership and facilitates the co-ordination of all groups involved in Emergency Management.
The National Steering Group (NSG) on Major Emergency Management (MEM) is one of the sub groups reporting to the Government Task Force (GTF). The National Steering Group (NSG) was established in 2006 to oversee the implementation and development of the Framework for Major Emergency Management (MEM).
Under the National Steering Group (NSG) there is a National Working Group (NWG) that develops documents and guidance to support the framework objectives and inter-agency working.
Major Emergency Management Framework – Structure
The Framework for Major Emergency Management was developed in 2005 and was adopted by Government decision in 2006. Its purpose is to set out common arrangements and structures for front line public sector emergency management in Ireland.
To facilitate and enhance co-ordination and preparedness the Framework sets out 8 regions for the purpose of Major Emergency Management.
Each region has a Regional Steering Group (RSG) that reports to the National Steering Group. The Regional Steering Group establishes a Regional Working Group (RWG) with membership from key personnel within each PRA and other organisations such as the Defence Forces and Voluntary Emergency Services. The chair of the working group is rotated on a bi-annual basis between agencies. The Regional Working Group has sub groups, these can be for specific projects or standing groups for on-going emergency management work
The “Framework for Major Emergency Management” sets out the co-ordination arrangements and terminology for use in the event of a Major Emergency (e.g. Lead Agency concept, Information Management System, On-Site Co-ordinator, Controller of Operations, Media Liaison Officers etc). A regional risk assessment is used to determine the need for an Inter Agency Emergency Plan at key sites such as airports
Where a Major Emergency occurs each Local Authority has a Local Co-ordination centre (LCC), that provides a hub for each of the PRA’s to share information and assess the current situation.
Where an emergency affects a region then a regional co-ordination centre (RCC) may be convened.